Despite Sofia Richie Grainge’s best attempts, some onlookers suspected her pregnancy long before her January 2024 announcement. As of late 2023, eagle-eyed fans began noticing that the model was consistently dressing in voluminous overcoats that completely draped over her 5-foot-6 frame. During one particular January shopping trip on Melrose Place in West Hollywood, Sofia was seen noticeably clutching her oversized camel trenchcoat over her belly, with the jacket falling almost to her feet.
In her January Vogue UK profile Sofia admitted that her recent preference for oversized clothing was, indeed, a baby bump-concealing tactic. “Now that we’re announcing it, I have so many ideas,” she told Vogue, excited about the possibilities to dress up her pregnancy. “I’m not really tapping into maternity wear at all, if anything, I’m just sizing up,” the model and younger sis of fashion designer Nicole Richie said.
Sofia, a well-known name in fashion circles herself, plans on getting crafty with her wardrobe as her bump continues growing. “I’m also not buying an entirely new wardrobe for this pregnancy,” the socialite and influencer revealed, telling Vogue that, despite adding some looser pairs of pants to her closet, “I’m wearing my same jackets, and sweaters, and trenches.” As she whimsically put it, “I’m about to have some fun with it now that I can spread my wings and fly.”