Following the tragic shooting of his “Rust” cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, Alec Baldwin has faced his fair share of financial and legal woes. In an August 2022 interview with CNN, “The Cooler” admitted to losing roles due to the incident. “There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane,” he said, “… and they told me, ‘We don’t want to do the film with you because of this.”
Now that a grand jury indicted him for involuntary manslaughter, it seems like Baldwin may have already been preparing for the worst and the expenses of a possible trial with his recent attempt at selling his Hamptons home. According to a report from The Cut, the “30 Rock” star first listed the aforementioned property in September 2022 for $29 million. But due to a lack of interest from buyers, Baldwin made an array of price cuts, eventually taking it off the market altogether, per The New York Post.
Nearly two months after that, the “It’s Complicated” actor put his house back on the market for about $19 million, which is around $10 million cheaper than the original price. He also starred in a brief video promoting the home via the relator Saunders & Associates’ YouTube page. “I love coming here. I’m always happiest when I come here, especially this time of year,” he said. “I love it in the winter because it’s so peaceful and it’s so beautiful.” It’s clear that Baldwin is eager to sell the home.