Following the tragic shooting of his “Rust” cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, Alec Baldwin has faced his fair share of financial and legal woes. In an August 2022 interview with CNN, “The Cooler” admitted…
Tag: Alec
All My Children’s Alec Musser Dead At 50 – Nicki Swift
In 2005, Alex Musser appeared on the second season of “I Wanna Be a Soap Star,” a reality show where contestants competed for a role in certain soap operas. Having won his…
Alec Baldwin’s Daughter Ireland Shades Him With DNA Test Kit – Nicki Swift
DNA tests can provide a lot of cool information, like where your family is from, but they can also break some shocking news, like unexpected additions to the family. Ireland Baldwin had…
Lawyers Tells Us Alec Baldwin’s Possible Recharge Could Shift Focus In Rust Shooting – Nicki Swift
Alec Baldwin’s recharge in the “Rust” shooting case may come off as bizarre, and to lawyer Ted Spaulding it is. He told Nicki Swift, “It is not common for someone to be recharged for…