In a newly released episode of “The Pivot” podcast, Jonathan Owens and Simone Biles touched on their love story. During the interview, Owen revealed that he met Biles on Raya — a private dating app popular among celebrities — but admitted he did not know who she was at the time. “I’m like, ‘Lemme see who this is.’ I never really paid attention to gymnastics,” Owens recounted of the first time he saw Biles on Raya. “So it piqued my curiosity.” The pair would later connect with Biles eventually making the first move. “She messaged me Tuesday, and then we were texting back and forth, and then we hung out Friday,” he revealed.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a second meeting proved difficult for Owens and Biles. Not one to back down easily, Biles ended up taking a 45-minute drive to Houston where Owen lived. With this level of proactiveness on the gymnast’s side, it seems that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with Owens. And when asked if this made him feel like “the catch,” Owens promptly agreed. “I always say that the men are the catch … Because I was fighting it … I was afraid to commit … but you know, it happens when you least expect it,” he shared on the podcast.
But with Biles’s record as the single most highly decorated gymnast in the history of the world, fans were not having Owens’ claim of being “the catch” of the couple.