Anna Cardwell and Eldridge Toney’s relationship began in 2017, following her divorce from her ex-husband, Michael, with whom she shares two children, Kaitlyn and Kylee. While Toney was keen on helping Cardwell raise her daughters, the two had hoped to welcome a child together. However, Cardwell revealed that conceiving a baby proved to be challenging.
“We are trying to have a third child, and it’s been difficult. I’ve gone through four miscarriages and a D&C. It’s been a long bumpy road for us trying to have baby number three,” she told The U.S. Sun in 2021, adding that one of her miscarriages happened right before Christmas. “It felt like I was giving birth, it was the worst pain of my life,” she detailed. “It’s a really painful process, so I’m like you know let’s give it one more try.” Cardwell learned that her body was not generating enough progesterone, adversely impacting the baby’s nutrition. “We know what’s going on now, and we are taking the right precautions to take care of it and make sure it stays alive and everything like that,” she added.
In 2020, Cardwell, Toney, and the two daughters moved into a new home, anticipating a future that included a growing family. “Eldridge and I are hoping to get married within the next year and we want a child together,” Cardwell told the outlet at the time. “Eldridge is great with the girls and we wanted to have a bigger home to raise our family in.”