In 2005, Alex Musser appeared on the second season of “I Wanna Be a Soap Star,” a reality show where contestants competed for a role in certain soap operas. Having won his season, Musser was awarded his role as Dal Henry in “All My Children.” Per IMDb, Musser appeared in a total of 43 episodes, spanning between 2005 and 2007. Following his time on “All My Children,” Musser went on to appear in the Lifetime original sitcom “Rita Rocks,” where he played the role of a plumber. In 2011, Musser made a return to television, appearing as a masseuse in “Desperate Housewives.”
In addition to his acting career, Musser also enjoyed a successful modeling career. According to the Daily Mail, the actor’s modeling career took off after landing a contract with clothing company, Abercrombie & Fitch. In the years that followed, Musser ramped up his modeling portfolio, working with companies like Target and Speedo, as well as major magazines, including GQ and Men’s Health.
Though Musser had seemingly taken a break from Hollywood in the years leading up to his death, he continued to give fans a glimpse into his life through his Instagram, where he documented his life and experiences.